Security of our Sky is Guaranteed
Today, on the occasion of Easter holidays, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković visited on duty units of Air Surveillance Early Warning and Guidance in the vicinity of Belgrade.
According to Minister Vulin, Serbian Armed Forces even on that day fully controlled the entire territory and fully guaranteed the security of our sky and territory.
- The Serbian Armed Forces shows in this manner as well that the citizens of Serbia can always rely on them and that they are capable to preserve our way of life, our peace and security of every our citizen. Without a strong, well organised, trained and powerful Serbian Armed Forces there cannot be a successful Serbia – Minister Vulin said.
- When I say this, I do not solely think about the planes, helicopters, but all the assets that we need in order for our armed forces to identify a target, neutralise it and everything that is required for our armed forces to function in line with technological progress in its surroundings – the minister of defence pointed out.
Colonel Đorđević informed the minister of defence about the tasks of the units of Air Surveillance Early Warning and Guidance and its battalion centre. He stressed that the units of air surveillance, early warning and guidance are operational 365 days of the year and 24 hours a day and that they are permanently engaged on control and protection of the air space of the Republic of Serbia.