Minister of Defence Visited the Institute for Strategic Research
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković visited today the Institute for Strategic Research in barracks “Banjica 2” in Belgrade.
He pointed out the importance of the tasks being executed by the Institute such as current assessments of degree of vulnerability to challenges, risks and threats to the security of the Republic of Serbia, research into experiences from the existing crisis hot spots of the world, and analysis of the processes and actors in international relations upon which depend the security and international position of the Republic of Serbia.
Minister Vulin added that it was necessary to constantly keep track of developments in the surroundings and their possible reflection on the security of Serbia and in that respect he expressed his readiness to provide any support to the Institute even, among other, in the area of cooperation with academic community.
Director of the Institute, Jovanka Šaranović, briefed the guests about the organisation, tasks, and results of that institution and announced the upcoming projects and activities.
The leadership of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces talked with the staff of the Institute for Strategic Research at a meeting attended by State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Aleksandar Živković and Dean of the University of Defence Major General Mladen Vuruna.

