Investment of EUR 2.2 million in new plant of “Prva petoletka” factory
The factory “Prva petoletka-Namenka” in Trstenik, which celebrates 69 years of existence, opened today a renovated production plant, into which EUR 2.2 million were invested. The Serbian Government invested a total of EUR 3.5 million in this company.
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who opened the new plant with the director of “Prva petoletka”, Anđelka Atanasković, pointed out that four years ago nobody believed in "Prva petoletka" factory, but the workers of this company and the then Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić believed in it.
- As you can see they were right. “Prva petoletka” factory is now on its feet thanks to the investments of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, but also thanks to the enormous efforts of its workers and managers. This is a company that has a future and is able to respond to the demands of the world market, the Minister of Defence said.
- For this reason, the Ministry of Defence will continue its policy of supporting and developing the defence industry. Everything that Bratislav Gašić did here, this Ministry will do as well, everything that Aleksandar Vučić started to invest here will be continued by this government as well. The defence industry is extremely important to us, and the amendments to the laws will not call into question control, absolute control and ownership of the state of Serbia over the defence industry. Ownership of the state of Serbia in the defence industry will not be allowed to fall below 51% nor to lose controlling rights, Minister Vulin emphasized and concluded that the defence industry remains firmly in the Serbian ownership and under control of the state of Serbia and remains to the benefit of all citizens of the country.
- We are looking forward to new investments, new technologies, business partners, but complete control and full ownership of the state of Serbia in the defence industry shall remain, the Minister of Defence said.
- We bought machines from the President's investment worth EUR 3.5 million and having seen that he has confidence in our leadership the trade union has agreed not to increase salaries, but to allocate money to refurbishment of the hall and provide a better future for both us and our children. The factory has hired 100 new workers and salaries of the employees are now at the level of the national salary average. We hope that our work and efforts are visible and that the state will continue to invest in us, Director Atanasković stressed.
Mayor of Trstenik Municipality Aleksandar Ćirić said that "Prva petoletka" is the heart of this municipality and drive of development.
- As the factory deteriorated, so did the municipality. Now we can see progress and we are sure that the future in Trstenik is more certain, Ćirić said.