Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Soldiers of the March generation swore an oath

The enlistment oath ceremonies for March 2018 generation of soldiers on voluntary military service and students of the reserve officers' class at the Military Academy were held today in the “Vojvoda Petar Bojović” barracks in Leskovac and “Vojvoda Živojin Mišić” barracks in Valjevo.
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin attended the enlistment oath ceremony for soldiers on voluntary military service at “Vojvoda Petar Bojović” barracks in Leskovac.
“The Serbian soldier knows what peace means and knows that there is no peace without a strong army. There is no peace if you do not have an army that is able to preserve peace”, Minister Vulin said to the soldiers.
Congratulating on the taken oath, Minister Vulin pointed out that the soldiers today gave the word which is “strong, big, defining”.
- You say that you will guard and defend every step of our beloved Serbia, our way of life. Depending on how you observe the given word we will be able to say that we live in a free country, among free people, how we will choose our friends, and who will be our enemies. Depending on how you observe the given word your generation will be written about and remembered one day, the Minister of Defence said.
He added that the history of the Serbian people is a history of persistent and tough fighting for freedom.
- But freedom is not given to anybody, nor is it given as a gift; one lives for it, fights for it. That is why the history of the Serbian people is the history of its army. That is why the uniform you wear is a part of everyday life of your people, your past and the future. Therefore, wherever the Serbian people sees its army – there is order, there is law, there is good. It is up to you to preserve this for the future, Minister Vulin pointed out.
The Minister of Defence thanked the parents for making their children diligent, responsible and good people, and now they have given them to their Serbia to guard it and defend it.
- The Serbian Armed Forces is an army of good and honest people, brave, dedicated to the good and their country, who know and understand someone else's suffering and pain, who are looking forward to peace just because they know the wars so well, Minister Vulin said.
He told the commanding officers that they should protect their soldiers as they would protect their own children, because they would protect Serbia as they teach them to do.
The mayor of Leskovac, Goran Cvetanović, congratulated the soldiers on the sworn oath and said that as long as we have children who have not forgotten our tradition and the past, “our country will have a bright future”. Marijana Karabašević, who has taken the oath of enlistment in Leskovac today, said that today she is proud of herself and all the soldiers who became friends in a short time. Ilija Jovanović also did not hide his happiness that he has volunteered to serve as a soldier today and pointed out that today's day is remarkable for all of them.
Commander of the Training Command, Lieutenant General Đokica Petrović, representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces, the City of Leskovac, the Serbian Orthodox Church, as well as numerous relatives and friends attended the ceremony at the Leskovac barracks.
In “Vojvoda Živojin Mišić” barracks in Valjevo today, 263 March 2018 generation soldiers and students of the reserve officers' class have taken their oath of enlistment.
Congratulating those gathered on the given oath of enlistment, the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiša Diković, pointed out that for our people freedom has always been the highest value, and the defence of the homeland has always been an honour and more than an obligation.
- Confirming the tradition of the famous Serbian Army, the event in which we participate together in this place today, tells us how well we are aware of the importance of the security of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia and the preservation of our state. These young people, many of whom, I am convinced, will permanently tie their future to the defence system, are also proof of the reputation of the army among the citizens of the Republic of Serbia. They are proof that our young generation recognizes the army as an institution that provides security for all citizens, that is getting equipped and trained following the challenges of modern times, and which ensures a secure future in the material sense, for those who are willing and who wish to be its members. Students of the reserve officers' course and dear soldiers, you should be proud that here today, before the flag and your beloved ones, you have passed the maturity exam and accepted this honourable task to serve voluntary military service and prepare yourselves for what has always been the most sacred thing, that is, the defence of your fatherland - General Diković said.
According to the Chief of General Staff, during their stay in the units, soldiers become part of a collective in which morale, military spirit, work discipline is developed and honour of the profession preserved.
- Our soldiers, members of the Serbian Armed Forces, must be top-level equipped, must be satisfied with their status and standard in peace, and when the time comes, all members of the Armed Forces must put themselves in the function of defending the country - General Diković emphasised.
The enlistment oath ceremony in the Valjevo barracks was also attended by Deputy Commander of the Training Command, Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević, Commandant of the Military Academy Colonel Miroslav Talijan, representatives of the local self-government, as well as numerous friends and relatives of soldiers.
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