Ministry of Defence participates in the fight to raise the birth rate
During his visit to the Niš Military Hospital, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin has spoken today about the measures taken by the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in the fight against the “white plague” and health care for female members of the defence system.
- As Serbian President and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, said, the country has been beset by a “white plague” and this is one of the biggest problems in our country. In accordance with his orders, the Serbian Armed Forces is to get actively involved in the fight to raise the birth rate. The Serbian Armed Forces will, using all of its powers, do everything so that there are more births, to stimulate the birth rate, to help every family that wants to have children to realise the most beautiful thing a family can realise - to get a child. As a result, the Serbian Armed Forces has already established a solidarity aid in the amount of one average salary for each newborn child of the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, but they also introduced that the Social Insurance Fund for the Military Insured, who previously used to pay three attempts of artificial insemination, will pay four attempts from now on and move the ceiling from the age of 42 years to 44 years. It will also enable the family, whether it has one or more children or not, to compete and be paid artificial insemination for every next child, Minister Vulin explained.
He emphasized that the health of female members of the defence system is especially important and significant, and therefore the Serbian Armed Forces will introduce a mandatory examination for all female members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces regarding breast cancer and cervical cancer.
- The Serbian Armed Forces knows that it is part of our people, and every joy and concern is our joy and our concern. That is why the fight against “white plague” is also our task is and we will do our best to participate in it, in a winner's manner, the way the Serbian Armed Forces has always done, the Minister of Defence said.

