AMSS and the Ministry of Defence Signed a Memorandum of Understanding
In order to encourage and improve organisational and business processes, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and President of AMSS (Auto-Moto Association of Serbia) Mirko Butulija signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation which confirms the existence of common interest in the field of business and technical cooperation.
By this Memorandum, the AMSS has enabled the employees of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces numerous benefits, such as transport of defective military vehicles, participation in restoration of infrastructural potential of the Serbian Armed Forces for the training of drivers, provision of required documents for drivers and vehicles and numerous discounts for services and products in the framework of the AMSS system.
Expressing gratitude to the AMSS for this important Agreement, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin said that the Serbian Armed Forces, as one of the most significant and certainly most loved institutions in our nation, can surely say that their role and the position is highly appreciated among the population and in the economy, among all who create profit, who work, all those who understand the significance of the SAF and all their members for the everyday life of the country.
“The AMSS as socially responsible company has entered into agreement with the SAF where their members will enjoy significant benefits, and live a little bit better and have opportunity to receive certain services at far lower prices. More important that the money, this time, they will have an opportunity to see how appreciated and loved they are. I hope that other socially responsible companies will follow these footsteps. Today, the AMSS has helped us a lot, and we will certainly endeavour, using our capacities, to find opportunities to help each other, to develop auto-motor sports which we consider as important and which is, among other, a part of our training. On the other hand we want to enable that our capacities can be developed not only from the budgetary resources but from something that we can get from the economy” said Minister Vulin.
President of the AMSS, Mirko Butulija said that it was great pleasure for him that the AMSS could accommodate the Ministry of Defence and provide significant discounts – 30% discount for AMSS membership and complete registration with insurance policy from self-accountability in AMS Insurance paid in instalments with verified administrative order of the Serbian Armed Forces, discount for technical check-up, 30% discount for traveling health insurance, 15% discount for Casco insurance and 10% for household insurance” Butulija pointed out and stressed that the employees of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces would be able to enjoy those benefits in very short time. “This cooperation will provide benefits for both Serbian Armed Forces and the AMSS, and particularly the sports part of the AMSS, because we have arrived at the model to use a part of infrastructure of the Serbian Armed Forces for sports activities, and to consequently rebuild them and invest resources so that the armed forces could conduct military exercises – added the President of the AMSS and expressed hope that the cooperation between the AMSS and the Ministry of Defence would continue developing in that direction.
By establishing the partner relations, the AMSS and the Ministry of Defence will significantly contribute to the enhancement of the processes in all the areas, particularly in the training of personnel, using the available potential, carrying out preventive activities to increase the level of safety of traffic, and promotion of auto-motor sport.