Analysis of Logistical Support of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2017
Today an analysis of the logistical support of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2017 was held in the barracks “Topčider”. The analysis was attended by Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković with his associates.
Opening the gathering of the representatives of logistics from the Ministry of Defence and General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Head of Logistics Department Brigadier General Željko Ninković pointed out the exceptional significance of logistic support and its influence on building operational and functional capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces.
The participants of this year’s analysis underlined that in the previous year the logistic units had enabled the continuity of logistic support to units and installations of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces which is why it had represented an important anchor of the armed forces. Limitations reflected in financial and material fields had been successfully overcome by good organisation of work, great efficiency, high level of expertise and experience of the logistics personnel.
During the analysis it was noted that numerous exercises and execution of tasks on securing the state border and in the Ground Safety Zone had confirmed on multiple occasions the efficiency and readiness of the entire logistic system of the armed forces to discharge all the obligations and tasks set. Among other, it was stressed that the contracts with Russian companies were successfully implementing regarding the pre-export preparations, overhaul and extension of life cycle of the planes MiG-29.
In the foyer of the Annex Hall of the Guard Club, the participants of the analysis had an opportunity to see an exhibition of the overhauled and modernised logistic assets and equipment used in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces. Apart from the overhaul facilities from Kragujevac and Čačak and the Aeronautical Plant “Moma Stanojlović”, private companies, with which the Serbian Armed Forces have been successfully cooperating for many years now, also presented their products.


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