Keys to Flats Handed Over to the Members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces
Today in the Great War Hall of the Old General Staff, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković handed over keys to 34 flats to active and retired members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
On that occasion, Minister Vulin underlined that there was not division of the members of defence system into active and retired, because everyone who had once belonged to the Serbian Armed Forces remained their member for good.
- Just like their life dedication is to be with their country, and to protect and defend it, the homeland threats them accordingly, regardless of their age or time. You have dedicated your lives to your armed forces, you have dedicated your lives to your state and this is the way in which both the armed forces and the state express their gratitude – said the minister of defence and added that mass housing construction was pending, which should resolve the housing issues for all members of the security sector.
Minister Vulin stressed that until the process of housing construction begun, which was expected to happen in the following months, the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces would continue the policy and organisation that enabled a significant number of the members of the armed forces to resolve their housing issue.
- We have started a good cycle and almost every month we have given the keys to at least 30 flats. We will continue this trend. All the members of the Serbian Armed Forces mah expect that their housing issue will be resolved. Our goal is to show to each member of our armed forces that we take care of them and their families and that, once they enter our system, when they become part of security system, there is going to be someone who will take care of them. Just like they take care of their country, just like they take care of the security of each our citizen, the Serbian Armed Forces take care of the standard and status of the members of the Serbian Armed forces and of the status of their families. We take care of our members – Minister Vulin said reminding that without strong and stable armed forces there cannot be strong and stable Serbia, and that is our highest and most sacred goal. One of the men who has finally resolved his housing issue today is retired Colonel Zlatan Jeremić. After a quarter of a century, he will enter his new flat on Bežanijska Kosa.
- This day is significant for the life of my family because it enables me to spend this period, my retirement in a more beautiful, and calm environment, and it enables more comfortable life to my family – said retired Colonel Jeremić noting that in those times it was not at all easy to come in possession of a flat. He said that one should hope and have confidence in the people who take care about them, since, as he said, during his long military career his superiors took care of him, his position and wellbeing as a professional and soldier of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- I thank the Ministry of Defence and General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces for giving me the opportunity to spend my retirement in quality and better way – Jeremić said wishing that everybody who had not yet resolved their housing issue to solve that existential worry as soon as possible.
Head of Section for Morale, Colonel Srećko Kuzmanović, who has been waiting to resolve his housing issue for 30 years, became the owner of his own roof above his head.
- Being given a flat is a big deal and great relief for the entire family. In that way both state and the armed forces show that they care about us, proving that the effort and work which we put in the increase of operational and functional capabilities of the system did not pass unnoticed – Colonel Kuzmanović stated adding that he would be able to buy off the new flat on Bežanijska Kosa at more favourable conditions that the ones on the market.
Today 29 members took the keys to 34 flats that have been given to the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces in Belgrade, Kuršumlija, Novi Pazar, Subotica and Kruševac.