Tour of the Memorial Room in the Army Command
We are proud of each of our warrior
Today Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković, accompanied by the Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simović, toured the Memorial Room of the Army Command in Niš.
After the tour, Minister Vulin pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces were guardian of the highest values of our people, a keeper of the values of freedom for which the Serbian people existed.
- At such places one can see how freedom was lived for and why Serbian people have all reasons to be proud of its history. We are proud of each of our warrior, we are proud of everyone who defended his homeland, who guarded it, we are proud of every soldier, every officer, and we are proud of all those who showed in the most difficult moments how the country should be protected and loved. The Serbian Armed Forces are the guardian of our values, keeper of freedom – Minister Vulin said.
Chief of General Staff General Diković congratulated all the members of the Army, led by their Commander, General Simović on the unique monument to the Serbian statehood, Serbian culture and spirituality and Serbian tradition.
- This is the only place where we can see something like this, and indeed it is an impressive presentation of the history of the Serbian people, with everything that happened that was worth remembering and worth mentioning and that is something that we owe to everyone who built that history and it is a great pledge for the future generations – General Diković stressed.
Speaking about the significance of this endeavour, General Simović highlighted that the Army members founded and built the Memorial Room which is a part of the Army and Niš Garrison Museum.
- Using the Memorial Room in Vranje as an example, my associates and I entered in a mine and we dug out gold. We have created something that makes us proud, primarily because the killed ones, their families and all the generations of officers, NCOs, civilians and soldiers who were in this building, who served in Niš and in the entire Serbia – said General Simović adding that the members of the Army had dedicated almost two years, working after the working hours, to set up that Memorial Room.
He also stressed that the Memorial Room was going to be open for the citizens in the end of the following month.
The Memorial Room consists of 29 titles and segments within which 16000 names of the perished were given starting from Serbian-Turkish wars to NATO Aggression and the killed in the Ground Safety Zone. Also, the Memorial Room presents more than 11,000 photographs, 47 uniforms from different periods and more than 300 pieces of weapons and equipment.
At the beginning of the tour, the national anthem was played followed by a minute of silence for all the victims of wars in this area, while this evening’s opening, along with the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, was attended by representatives of local government, Serbian Orthodox Church, Admirals’ and Generals’ Club and representatives of veterans’ associations.