Analysis of the Operational Capabilities of the Army
Today, in the Military Club in Niš, an analysis was conducted of the operational capabilities of the Army in 2017, which was led by the Army Commander Lieutenant Colonel Milosav Simović.
The analysis was attended by Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković with the members of the expanded Board, brigades’ commands and autonomous Army battalions, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
The facts that influenced building of the operational capabilities, achievements in the process of building and the problems within the domain were discussed by the most responsible officers of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Army, and during the analysis they also talked about the measures for the maintenance and improvement of the operational capabilities in this year.
In the final part of today’s analysis, Minister Vulin and General Diković visited the static display of the weapons and equipment of the Army units.

