Minister Vulin Laid a Wreath at the Monument to Unknown Hero on Avala
To mark the Statehood Day, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, as the envoy of the President of the Republic of Serbia, laid a wreath today at the Monument to Unknown Hero on Avala accompanied by Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković and Commander of Training Command Lieutenant General Đokica Petrović.
- Serbia was created by uprisings and constitutionalists. Freedom and justice are the paramount values that have created Serbia. We have learned from our ancestors that freedom is not once given, but that it is the highest value which is lived and fought for every day. Generations of rebels won our right to choose and our right to freedom. We must not be less courageous or less wise than our ancestors. In the honour of the ancestors, for the glory of descendants – Minister Vulin wrote in the memorial book on that occasion.
Today, with an array of events, Serbia celebrates the Statehood Day, as a reminder of Candlemas 1804 when the First Serbian Uprising started, which began the liberation from Turks, and as a reminder of the same date in 1835 when the first modern Constitution of Serbia was passed.

