Officers’ Ball for the Return to Tradition
Tonight, on the occasion of the Statehood Day, Candlmas Officers’ Ball was organised in the Guard Club in Belgrade.
The ceremonial event, organised by the Association of reserve military officers and NCOs of the city of Belgrade, was attended by the State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Aleksandar Živković, Acting Assistant Minister of Defence Nenad Miloradović, Director of the Police Vladimir Rebić, officers and NCOs from the Ministry of Defence, Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior with their spouses, as well as by the gusts from the public and cultural life.
The present were greeted by the President of the Organisational Board of the Ball, a poet Dragan Jeličić who expressed his satisfaction with the event being organised once again after a long time.
- The occasions for the organisation of this event is the 100th anniversary of the Great War, and the goal is to restore glorious freedom loving traditions of Serbia, with a wish that again everybody cherishes the awareness about the significance of tradition that has always nourished spiritual strength of the people and boosted morale of our warriors – said Jeličić.
Ljubomir Marković, the President of the Association of descendants of Serbian warriors from 1912-1920, spoke about the most significant dates that are to be marked in the year of jubilee – the end of the Great War, and he reminded that Serbia had always led just and liberation wars which was the reason why it always had come from those wars victorious.
Zoran Jovanović greeted the present on behalf of the organiser – Association of reserve military officers and NCOs of the city of Belgrade and he presented that organisation and reminded of the great victories of the Serbian armed forces in the First World War. He particularly thanked Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin for selfless assistance in the organisation of the officers’ ball and he expressed wish for that event to become a tradition.
Members of Belgrade Club of dance lovers, accompanied by the Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanislav Binički” presented themselves by “King’s Wheel Dance”, wheel dance of Major Gavrilović and Mihailo Pupin, “Kragujevac road”, “The Danuve Waltz”, “Vienna Waltz” and other numbers.
Members of Cultural-Artistic Ensemble “Koturović“ from Belgrade performed a range of Serbian dances, some of them being “Bojarka”, “Igrale se delije” dances from Šumadija, and several wheel dances.
Later in the evening, with the sounds of traditional officers’ dances, Serbian wheel dances and waltzes, Serbian officers and NCOs restored to life the beauty and lavish spirit of traditional Serbian music. Good mood was contributed by the performance of Miodrag Petrović, actor of the Serbian National Theatre from Novi Sad and vocal soloists Danka Stojiljković, Marinko Rokvić and Snežana Đurišić.

