Opening of the Exhibition “Laza the Handsome between King Aleksandar and Queen Draga”
The exhibition “Laza the Handsome between King Aleksandar and Queen Draga” by the author, Museum Counsellor of the National Museum of Čačak, historian Radivoje Bojović was opened in the Small Gallery of the Central Military Club. The curiosity of the exhibition lies in the fact that it was created on the basis of a diary of Adjutant Colonel Lazar Petrović, written between 17th July and 20th August 1901, and it follows the lives of the royal couple and the Adjutant in the year of death of King Milan and when the successor to the throne was still not born. The original diary, which critical edition was prepared by Radivoje Bojović himself, has been preserved until today and it makes the integral part of the set up.
Opening the exhibition, its author, historian Radivoje Bojović reminded that museum exhibitions dedicated to just one item were quite rare and that most often, the occasion for them is the very significance of the find.
- In Parisian legacy of Captain Đorđe Roš, Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Norway in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, a “diary for the smallest pocket of a coat” was found among the documents of the Obrenović dynasty. In a pocket-book with golden embroidery there are descriptions of 40 days of the deepest dynastic crisis, but without signed author – Bojović said adding that it had been a long and serious work “to synchronise” the text and the picture and reveal the identity of the diary owner. I was the information that the author was the owner Takovo medal of I degree that led to the name of the author.
Greeting the present, Lieutenant Colonel Biljana Pašić from the Media Centre “Odbrana” pointed out that in previous two years, that institution had established a fruitful cooperation with the National Museum of Čačak.
- Exhibitions “Dragutin Gavrilović – a Major with the rank of Colonel” and “Marshal Petar Bojović – Symbols of Glory and Honour” were exceptionally received by Belgrade audience. We continued our cooperation by presenting exhibition “Reading the Line” from the artistic collection of the Central Military Club which was presented last year to the citizens of Čačak in the National Museum – Lieutenant Colonel Pašić said, adding that the exhibition represented the continuation of the good cooperation.
The total of 17 panels and 20 original items, predominantly letters, diplomas, tokens, photographs, postcards and oleographs witness the fate of the last couple of the Obrenović dynasty, and of their first Adjutant Colonel Lazar Petrović – Laza the Handsome, who was also killed in the coup in the night between 28th and 29th May 1903.
The audience will have an opportunity to see the exhibition “Laza the Handsome between King Aleksandar and Queen Draga” from 6th to 24th February in the Small Gallery of the Central Military Club.