Minister Vulin: Armed Forces Take Care of the Future of its Members’ Children
Today, in the Great War Room of the Old General Staff, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković organised a reception for the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces to whom they conferred decisions on solidarity support for the birth of a child, which had been introduced this year upon the initiative of the Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vulin.
The decision on solidarity support for the birth of a child is one in the string of measures for the betterment of the social status of the employees of defence system and it has been granted for the first time. Today, 38 members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces received the solidarity support. The support implies a financial payment in the amount of the average salary in Serbia.
Minister Vulin congratulated all the present for having done something that is the most beautiful and the most precious that anyone can do, for having taken the most important, the most responsible and the most beautiful role in life – for having become parents.
- Your armed forces are grateful for bringing children to this world, they are grateful for giving hope to Serbia, and they are proud of you just as you are and they are confident that those coming after you can only be even better. The solidarity support for the birth of a child is an initiative of Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić and the Ministry of Defence has implemented it. It came as a necessity to once again, and in another way improve the status of all members of the Serbian Armed Forces, and to show that we are capable of always finding in our own resources the possibility to assist where help is really needed. When a new life is born, the assistance is truly needed – Minister Vulin said.
He sent a message that the armed forces are the guardian of traditional and family values.
- This is our way to show how much we care about our families, about a new life and new lives without which there is no Serbia, and because of which Serbia has to exist. Everything that we do, make and think, we do that for them, for their future, to make it better, by all means, and safer than our past or our present. I thank you once again for yet another birth, but I also thank you for your everyday work, you self-denial and self-sacrifice, and because you, as members of the Serbian Armed Forces, always think firstly about the future of your and all other children. All children are ours, and that is why we are here. Secure and strong Serbian Armed Forces is a guarantee of the future for every child of ours. When you come back home, kiss the youngest, and wish them what you wish for them every day – wellbeing, and health and joy. Kiss them on our behalf and let them know that they are welcome in a good country which is worth living for, learning, working for, which is worth being born in it, because it is a country which rejoices at hearing the cry of the new-borns, and it is the only cry at which it rejoices – the minister of defence stated.
Captain Bojan Mandić addressed the present on behalf of those who received the support and expressed gratitude for the assistance to the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, and stressed that it would be a great motivation for the birth of more children in Serbia and that the upbringing and education of the dearest ones would be of high quality.
Corporal Perica Kostić thanked the defence system for the support and pointed out that “in these moments it is needed the most”. Lieutenant Stefan Miletić emphasised that the notion that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces thought about them and their children, gave feeling of security and provides a motive for further work, progress and self-sacrificing for the system. Master Sergeant Zoran Jovanović, who this year became a father of his fourth child, also stressed the importance of the solidarity support.