Minister Vulin at the Celebration of Slava (Patron Saint Day) of the Special Brigade
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin attended the celebration of Saint Sava Slava of the Special Brigade of the Serbian Armed Forces in Pančevo, where he was greeted by the Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simović and Deputy Commander of the Special Brigade Colonel Miroljub Čupić with associates.
Addressing the members of the unit after the religious service of Slava and liturgy, the minister of defence stressed that equipping and strengthening of the special units would continue in the following years.
- I extend by greetings for the Slava to all the members of the Special Brigade and I wish that they celebrated it for a long time in good health, and may it bring joy to you and your families, and to the entire armed forces and the entire people. In line with the orders of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces and President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić, the project 1500 whose goal was equipping the members of our special units according to the highest world standards, is extended as the Project 1500 PLUS so we will use the years in front of us to enable the members of our special units to be even better equipped and even better trained and ready for all the challenges and tasks in front of them – Minister Vulin said and pointed out the Special Units of the Serbian Armed Forces had their value and their courage, their expertise and knowledge, which they had proved in the past wars, but they, just the same, stood by their people during the humanitarian disasters and natural disasters, and generally in every segment of our life.
- The members of the special units are the people adorned by courage who point to the direction that every armed force should follow and that our armed forces will follow. In keeping with decisions of military leadership and in line with the orders of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, we will continue strengthening and equipping our special units, and also prepare new organisational models for them and tor strengthen them both in equipment and personnel – Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin said.
Wishing pleasant stay to all the guests in the barracks of the Special Brigade in Pančevo, Deputy Commander of the unit Colonel Miroljub Čupić said that the SAF Special Brigade had been marking for 12 years Saint Sava Day as its Slava, which was quite natural having in mind the importance of Saint Sava, the greatest Serbian Saint and the national educator.
Apart from the members of the Special Brigade, the festivity was attended by State Secretary Aleksandar Živković, Deputy Commander of the Training Command Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević and numerous friends of our special unit members.