Feat of Sergeant First Class Trifunović
On 17th January around 9 o’clock in the evening, shooting range “Bubanj potok” keeper, Sergeant First Class Darko Trifunović, noticed a vehicle parked next to the road Leštane-Bubanj potok. After he had approached the vehicle, he saw in it a man who had tried to kill himself and then he did all he could to help him and safe the man’s life.
- I believe that every member of the Serbian Armed Forces, and the unit in which I work, would do the same without thinking. According to the information that I have received the man’s life is not endangered and that he is in a hospital - Sergeant First Class Trifunović said and added that his meeting with the family had been rather touching and that everybody had been shocked and at a loss to understand what had led to that tragic event.
General Diković pointed out that it was yet another confirmation that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, executing their daily tasks, demonstrated a great humanity and care when it was needed, not only in relation to their tasks, but to people around them, to the citizens of Serbia at the state border, in the Ground Safety Zone and all other places where the citizens require their help.
- One life and one family have been saved here, and like Sergeant First Class Trifunović said, every member of the Serbian Armed Forces would have done the same in his place – the Chief of General Staff said and congratulated the Sergeant First Class and his superior officers on that feat worthy of admiration.
Minister Vulin and General Diković rewarded the Sergeant First Class Trifunović with a free seven day long stay on the Tara Mounting for him and his family.