Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Beginning of Construction of Flats for the Members of the Security Sector in the First Quarter of the Year

Before the start of the official ceremony to mark 140 years of existence of the Military Hospital in Niš, answering a reporter’s question as to when the construction of military flats will begin in Niš, the Minister of Defence AleksandarVulin stated that it would happen like everywhere else in the country – in the first quarter of the year.
- We are having discussions with the Mayor of Niš, Bulatović, and with the representatives of other towns, where suitable locations will be earmarked and you can expect the commencement of works in the shortest period, but I would like to underline that those are not solely flats for the armed forces but for all the members of the security sector. We do not differentiate between these people and each of them works on the completely the same work, whether it is in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Agencies or the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces. They all protect this country together and do a difficult and responsible job, and that is why there housing needs must be resolved jointly – Minister of Defence AleksandarVulin said.
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