Rebuilding the Military Academy
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković visited today the Military Academy where infrastructural works are currently in progress aimed at raising the quality of living and working conditions for the cadets.
On that occasion, the minister of defence pointed out that investment in military education was the investment in the future of the Serbian Armed Forces, and consequently it was an investment in the future of the entire country and every citizen of ours.
Head of the Military Academy Major General Goran Zeković thanked the Ministry of Defence for having recognised the significance of investing in the institution entrusted with the task of educating future officer corps. He pointed out that certain infrastructural works and investment had not been done for a long time in the Military Academy.
- What raises the standard of cadets, attenders of the National Defence School, and all employees of the Military Academy are the fundamental and capital works on renovation of the sports centre, pistol shooting range and sports terrains that will result in building capacities for practicing sports and physical activities – the first man of the Military Academy said pointing out that those were considerable works that would enhance the capacities of educational process for many years to come.
The Minister of Defence and Chief of General Staff toured the works on the spots terrains, in the pistol shooting range and in the sports centre where they talked to the works who were engaged on the execution of the infrastructural works in that moment.
The Minister of Defence and Chief of General Staff were informed about the degree of the realisation of the infrastructural works on the renovation of the military complex “General Jovan Mišković” in Belgrade that is executed by the Military Construction Institution “Belgrade”. The information was presented by Lieutenant Colonel Slobodan Starčević, Head of Infrastructure Department of MoD Material Resources Sector and by Colonel Zoran Lučić, Head of Logistics Division of the Military Academy.
State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Bojan Jocić also toured the works, together with Dean of the University of Defence Major General Mladen Vuruna and Head of the Military Academy Major General Goran Zeković.
In this and the following year, the works are planned in the Military Academy in the amount of around 300 million dinars. Apart from the renovation of the plateau, sports centre and shooting range that are currently in progress, it has been envisaged to renovate the accommodation capacities so that by raising the quality of living and working conditions, better and more successful education would be provided to the future officers of the Serbian Armed Forces.