Awards of the Media Centre “Odbrana” for the Year 2017
To mark 24th January – Day of the Media Centre “Odbrana”, traditional awards of that institution within the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence were presented this year as well for the year behind us.
The panel for deciding on the journalists’ award “Ivan Marković”, which is being presented by the Media Centre “Odbrana” for the tenth time, decided by the majority of votes to present the award for the highest quality reporting on the activities of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces in 2017 to a reporter of the Public Broadcasting Service RTS Ana Manojlović, for a story “Call for military exercise”, that was broadcasted on 5th July last year in the TV programme “Oko magazine”, on the First Channel of the Public Broadcasting Service.
Taking into consideration 21 works that arrived at the address of the editorship of the magazine “Odbrana”, the panel consisting of Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Slavoljub M. Marković, former Editor in Chief of “Odbrana”, the President of the panel, and the members – Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Počuč, current Editor in Chief of the military magazine, Sanja Jevtović Čanović from Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence, Aleksandar Skakić from the Military Film Centre “Zastava Film” and Snežana Đokić, representative of the Media Centre “Odbrana”, at its session held 17th January 2018 evaluated the story by Ana Manojlović as the best because it had met all envisaged criteria defined by Rule book for presenting the award “Ivan Marković”.
Namely, that is a current topic, which the author in an original and creative way, using clear language and striking television report from the terrain, on the scene, without using archival recordings, with excellent elocution and recognisable journalist reporting style, without exaggeration, pathos or personal comments, presented to the public, aspiring to make the audience recognise the wider significance of the event that was reported, and its influence on the social community, since it overcame the restricted requirements of defence system of our country. By selecting interlocutors, first of all reservists who commented on their stay in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces, then superior officers who explained why it was necessary for them to revise and gain new military knowledge and skills, the reporter Ana Manojlović, carefully and with measure, concluded the story about different perceptions of calling to military exercises, and objectively and without bias, professionally, plausibly informed the viewers about it.
A session of the panel for the selection of the most successful athlete and sport team of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2017, was held 15th January 2018 and the members of the panel were Lieutenant Colonel Dr Dragan Todorov – University of Defence, Military Academy – the President of the panel, and the members Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandar Miloradović – Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to CISM, Lieutenant Colonel Nenad Milosavlјević – Training and Doctrine Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces and Captain Aleksandar Petrović – Media Centre “Odbrana”.
On the basis of analysis and evaluation of the applications, the panel decided that the reward “The Best Athlete of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2017” should be given to Second Lieutenant Stefan Vukadinović, member of NCO Training Centre of Training Command. Second Lieutenant Vukadinović, who completed the Military Academy in 2017, has been achieving top results for several years now in athletics in cadet and senior competition. He is a member of athletics national team of Serbia and winner of numerous medals at national and international competitions. Last year, he won a gold medal in 400 metres race at Serbian Championship in Athletics and silver medal in Balkan Championship in Athletics in 400 metres race as well.
The award “The Best Sports Team of the Serbian Armed Forces in 2017” went to the team in practical shooting IPSC – “Kobras” consisting of: Lieutenant Commander Igor Ignjatović, Sergeants Branislav Bulatović, Milovan Janković, Mićo Vorkapić, Igor Novaković, Dejan Nikić and Vladimir Stojilјkoу – Military Police Battalion of Special Purspose “Kobras”.
Team IPSC “Kobras” was established 15 year ago and it is a full member of the Association for practical shooting IPSC of Serbia in the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Over the decade and a half of its existence, the “Kobras” won multitude of medals and awards at national and international competitions in practical shooting. Last year they were ranked the first at the end of IPSC league of Serbia and the gold medal at the Open Championship of Serbia in practical shooting. The Club and its members both in individual and team competition won the 14 medals in 2017 – four gold, four silver and six bronze medals which places them among the most successful sports teams within defence system of the Republic of Serbia.
The awards will be presented to the winners on 24th January 2018, at 12 o’clock at the celebration in the Media Centre “Odbrana”.