Minister Vulin Visited MFC “Zastava Film”
Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited Military Film Centre “Zastava Film”, which is an establishment that functions within the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence.
On that occasion, Minister Vulin underlined that the armed forces are the keeper of our tradition and the highest values of our society.
- It is precisely why we believe that everything that the armed forces know and are willing to show and share with our entire society should be represented through “Zastava Film” as well. This year we will produce vignettes about our history and make them available to the public, every interested television station, school or youth camp. “Zastava Film” will make a great number of reminders of the most significant historical events of our people and provide an opportunity, using the state-of-the-art technology, for us to see all that, to remember it and share. The most glorious parts of our history will be presented to the entire nation, and we will enable the people, completely free of charge, by means of the investment of the Serbian Armed Forces, to once again be proud of our history and everything that was done by those before us – Minister Vulin stated.
During today’s visit, two pilot projects of that military film establishment were presented to Minister Vulin – one of the most significant events from our rich military history and the second about the honour code.
The Military Film Centre “Zastava Film” carries out the activities relating to the production of informative, film, video and multimedia products intended for informing the public about the activities of the Ministry of Defence, and for training and qualifying commands, units, establishments and members of the Serbian Armed Forces.