The Armed Forces – Guardian of Tradition and Freedom
Early in the morning, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković cut the Christmas tree in Dobanovci, and a little bit later, in the barracks “Banjica 2” in Belgrade, they attended the Holy Episcopal Liturgy and burning of the Christmas tree on the occasion of the Christmas Eve.
The Liturgy was led by Episcope of Šumadija and bishop superior to military priests, Mister Jovan.
Литургију је предводио епископ шумадијски и архијереј надлежан војним свештеницима господин Јован.
Minister Vulin congratulated today’s holiday to all Orthodox Christian believers on behalf of all the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and wished that they celebrated it with the ones they loved, with the ones who had named them and with the ones they had named.
- While we are together on this Good day, let us remember that we need a peaceful, secure and stable state, and that the peaceful, secure and stable state is protected by secure and stable armed forces. The armed forces as a guardian of the state, as the guardian of tradition, as the guardian of the highest values of our people, and that is freedom, will always be there for its people, and they will always be there to ensure the peace in Serbia and everywhere where its name is mentioned. To all those who are far from Serbia today, who wear the uniform of the Serbian Armed Forces, and bear the glory of our armed forces, and spread a good word about our state, I would like to send my greetings for this holiday and I would like to let them know that we are thinking of them, just like I wish all the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, in the Republic of Srpska, and anywhere else where Serbs live, to know that we are thinking of them and that we are always with them – the minister of defence stated.
General Diković extended his greeting for the Christmas Eve and Christmas to all the citizens of Serbia and the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, and particularly those far from our country who discharge their tasks all over the world, and those in the Ground Safety Zone and our border, who are on duty on this day and ensure peace and stability and he expressed hope that the year 2018 would be a successful year for the Serbian Armed Forces.
Episcope of Šumadija Mister Jovan sent a message that we carried peace within ourselves and that the peace was priceless.
- Peace achieves all, and the hatred loses all. That is the fundamental message of Christmas. We are a cordial people, a people with a great heart, which can find place in their hearts for a friend, God and enemy. That is something that is an obstacle for others. Peace with God and among ourselves. Let the fire of the Christmas tree burn within us like a flame of love, peace, harmony and hope, so that we could all say that love without a shadow can flourish in our kind and all human kind, and hope without bowing to pressure and faith without a doubt – bishop Jovan said.
Today’s celebration of the Christmas Eve was also attended by the members of boards of the minister of defence and Chief of General Staff and the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.