Serbia Loves and Respects its Armed Forces
On the first day of the New Year, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited defence system Operations Centre and on that occasion he thanked the President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme commander Aleksandar Vučić for the improvement of financial status of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces.
Today, in Belgrade barracks “Banjica 2”, accompanied by Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković and State Secretary Aleksandar Živković, he made sure that the Serbian Armed Forces carried out the planned tasks and that the state in the Republic of Serbia was normal.
Minister Vulin thanked the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vučić for having overcome strong resistance in order for the members of the security structure, including the employees in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, to receive the greatest increase in salaries in the state.
-Од првог јануара 2018. године сви припадници Министарства одбране, Војске Србије и читавог безбедносног сектора добиће увећање плата од 10 процената, рекао је министар Вулин, изразивши задовољство што се материјални положај припадника Министарства одбране и Војске Србије унапређује.
- Starting from 1st January 2018, all the members of the Ministry of Defence, Serbian Armed Forces and the entire security sector will receive 10 per cent salary increase – Minister Vulin said expressing his satisfaction with the fact that the financial status of the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces was improving.
- It is improving through increased salaries, through increased daily allowances, through introduction of solidary assistance. It will also be enhanced through mass housing construction, but more important than the improvement of our financial status is improved reputation and the relation of the entire population and all the structures towards the Serbian Armed Forces – the minister of defence said stressing that the Serbian Armed Forces worked hard every day and every second, safeguarding the safety and security of our entire country and every citizen of our Republic.
He underlined that all that showed that the Serbian Armed Forces were irreplaceable for the protection of our everyday life.
- Strong Armed Forces is not only a guarantee of peace of the Republic of Serbia, but it is a guarantee of peace in the entire region and in Europe – the minister of defence said concluding that the Serbian Armed Forces were ready and capable to fulfil every task regardless of what day it was or what kind of task it was, and that the Serbian Armed Forces protected their Serbia, just like Serbia loves and appreciates its armed forces.