Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: If They Close the Court for KLA Crimes, the Negotiations Should Be Terminated

Answering a reporter’s question about the attempt to abolish the Court for crimes committed by KLA in Kosovo and Metohija, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin pointed out that in the past we had been warning that the initiative would face difficulties, since there was not the slightest readiness on the part of Priština to conduct trials for the crimes against Serbs. 

- Unfortunately, in a good part of international community there is no readiness to try the crimes over Serbs. For us, that is absolutely unacceptable. The one who would try to do it has to be aware that he will face very resolute reaction on Serbia’s part and I say it on my own behalf and this is not the Government’s position since the Government has not taken its position regarding that matter. If something like that happened, my belief is that the negotiations should be terminated – Minister Vulin stressed.

He stated that if the Court, which even had not started working until that moment, nor issued a single charge for crimes against Serbs, had been abolished, then we have had no business in those negotiations.

- We still have not had the Association of Serbian Municipalities, and there is no excuse for that, and now, if the establishment of the Court for War Crimes against Serbs, and for the criminals of the KLA, is not allowed, we have nothing to talk about. I repeat once again that this is my opinion; it is not the position of the Government because it has not had a session on that matter, but I will advocate such position – to stop the negotiations if they are not capable of fulfilling not even that small civilizational obligation. It is a small civilizational obligation to try the crimes over human beings committed in Kosovo and Metohija, not only during the war conflicts. Since the arrival of the international community, more than 1000 Serbs have been killed in Kosovo and Metohija. Almost no one answered for that, and now, they are trying to abolish the Court in order not to provide an opportunity ever again to try the crimes against Serbs. If that happens, my opinion is that the negotiations should be terminated – Minister Vulin underscored.
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