Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Gratitude to the Supreme Commander

While seeing of the members of the Third Brigade to the peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin highlighted that the Serbian Armed Forces were taken care of.
- Serbian Armed Forces is the pride of our people and our country, the most respected and the most loved institution ant that is why I want to once again thank the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Mr Aleksandar Vučić for his personal contribution and because not a single day passes without him checking the state of the readiness of our armed forces, asking about the problems and what could be helped.
After the meeting in the General Staff, where the Chief of General Staff, General Ljubiša Diković and I had the honour and obligation to report on the state within our armed forces, significant decisions were made that will improve financial state of our armed forces and combat readiness. I would like to thank for the reward in the amount of 10,000 dinars that will be received by each member of the security sector in this country, and also for the commencement of the project for mass housing construction for all the members of the security sector, because of strengthening of our armed forces and because of the open competition for permanent admittance of the members of our armed forces.
Important things were enabled such as military education, middle level, and the reintroduction of moral in our armed forces, not because there was none, there has always been and there will always be present, but because it should exist in organisational sense. In some previous times when we were ashamed of ourselves, we abolished it. Owing to a different policy, owing to the personal engagement of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, no one is ashamed, but we are even proud of every member of the armed forces, and proud of all those who used to be in the Serbian Armed Forces and of those who are in it now, and of all these children who are getting ready to become part of it.
Speaking of the meeting with the President of Serbia and the minister of defence that took place two days before, General Diković pointed out that everything that the Serbian Armed Forces needed had been defined.
- It is particularly important that the President of the Republic of Serbia accepted all our proposals and even added few, assigned several tasks in terms of strengthening capabilities of our armed forces. Far better days are coming for the members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the security forces but they will bring more obligations to discharge our duties more quickly and with better quality – Chief of General Staff said.
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