Congratulatory Message of the Minster of Defence on the Occasion of the Day of Military Veterans
I extend my sincere congratulations to all military veterans on the occasion of 4th December – Day of Military Veterans.
Following the tradition of old warriors of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Serbia, by choosing this date as the Day of Military Veterans a continuity was ensured with the veterans from 1912, when the Kingdom of Serbia, as a modern state, engaged a part of its population for the war as well as all material and financial reserves along with the establishment of the Balkan Alliance with their neighbours. Defining this military holiday, we have a deeply rooted need to preserve from oblivion all those who did memorable deeds through a culture of remembrance of the perseverance of Serbian people in the previous wars, and memory of our people in difficult times.
In the history of warfare in this area, the military veterans left the memory of numerous victories and they gave an undoubted contribution to the overall Serbian history. Owing to the all known and unknown, respect worthy ones, who gave their lives and many who became invalids in the last wars in this area, today we live freely.
I congratulate this holiday to you, wishing and hoping that suffering of war and other forms of combat activities never happen again, and that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, as one of the actors in defence system, contribute to maintenance of peace both in the country and region and beyond.