Assistant Minister for Defence Policy at the Meeting of US-Adriatic Charter (A5)
The meeting of the US-Adriatic Charter (A5) was held today in Ohrid at ministerial level. The meeting was attended by the Acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy, Milan Mojsilović.
The topics covered at the meeting encompassed the issues of regional cooperation, strengthening national and regional capacities, joint contribution to multinational operations and gender perspective.
During his address, Acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Milan Mojsilović confirmed the orientation of the Republic of Serbia towards enhancing regional cooperation in the field of defence and further strengthening of peace and stability. In that context, he presented the engagement of the Republic of Serbia in multinational operations led by the United Nations and European Union, as well as the enhancement of gender perspective in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces. Mojsilović informed the present that the Serbian Armed Forces participated with 340 members in six UN and four EU operations, which placed us at the ninth place of peacekeeping forces contributors in Europe.
Apart from the above mentioned, a particular attention of the Assistant Minister’s address was paid to the creation of conditions for further promotion of gender perspective in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, including the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security. Owing to the results achieved so far, it was underlined that in the near future, the Republic of Serbia would be recognised as one of the leaders at the global level when it comes to the enhancement of gender perspective in national defence and security systems. Also, readiness of our side was expressed to share the experience and knowledge gained in this area with others, aimed at comprehensive improvement of capacities of the United Nations and other international organisations for maintenance of peace and security.
US-Adriatic Charter is a regional security group, an interstate strategic partnership established upon initiative of the USA, aimed at strengthening regional security and stability. The Republic of Serbia is an observer within the said regional initiative.