Official Celebration on the Occasion of the Day of the Army and the Day of Infantry
This evening, in the Military Club in Niš, an official celebration took place to mark the Day of the Army and the Day of Infantry, and it was attended by Secretary General of the President of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selaković, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković with associate, the Army Commander Lieutenant Colonel Milosav Simović, representatives of the town of Niš, local government, religious communities and other guests.
The celebration started by reading the congratulatory message of the President Aleksandar Vučić on the occasion of the Day of the Army and the Day of Infantry. In his address, the Army Commander Lieutenant General Milosav Simović reminded of the glorious military history of Serbian people and of the significance of Toplica uprising which made its important part.
- Unfortunately, since those generations until the generations of today, we have suffered again, we were bombarded, and we end up in tragedy. During the Second World War alone, we were bombarded twice, both from the enemy and allies. During the NATO aggression – the bombardment lasted for 78 days. When a war comes, then we remember God and the armed forces. If we remembered God and armed forces more often before the war, there would be a possibility that the war would not occur at all. Every officer and non-commissioned officer, citizen and civilian, who lost or had a wounded soldier, someone who lost a brother, friend, will never wish for a war, because the war does not bring happiness to anyone – General Simović stressed adding that all who wore a soldier’s uniform should always be ready for a war and self-sacrifice if it was required.
According to his words the Army members welcomed their Day and the Day of Infantry with dignity and proud of their ancestors and happy because God had given them an opportunity to feel and love Serbian Armed Forces and to be with it all the time, since it was the armed forces which was modernising, and they still desired modern arms, aware of politico-security situation in the state, wishing for better standard which they shared with the citizens of Serbia and resolute to remain a part of the line that was a guarantee of peace and security of Serbia and Balkans.
- The Army of the Serbian Armed Forces is the Army of all citizens of Serbia regardless of religious, national or political affiliation. It does its work and in the period between the previous and this celebration the Army conducted 3951 firings from its armament, executed 153 exercises from the level of company to the level of brigade and 13 multinational exercises abroad and in the country, and its engineers repaired 120km of roads and they were with the citizens of Serbia during the year in many difficulties they were faced with – General Simović stated adding that the members of the Army bravely stood next to the flag of the Republic of Serbia in the Ground Safety Zone and in peacekeeping missions worldwide.
Artistic part of this evening’s celebration featured the performances of the Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanislav Binički“ and the actors of National Theatre of Niš and numerous vocal soloists.
The Day of the Army and the Day of Infantry are celebrated on 16th November in memory of the day when in 1914 a battle started in which the Serbian Army won its greatest victory – the Battle of Kolubara. In this battle, the mainstays of the combat activities of the Serbian Army were eleven infantry and one cavalry division supported by 426 artillery weapons.