Promotion of a Book “Strategy of National Security in Theory and Practice”
A book “Strategy of National Security in Theory and Practice” written by retired General Prof Branko Krga was presented today in the Ceremonial Hall of the Central Military Club.
The book promotion was attended by State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Aleksandar Živković, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and numerous book lovers.
Apart from the author, reviewers of the book, academician retired General Prof Siniša Borović and Prof Andreja Savić spoke about the work, as well as retired General Prof Radovan Radinović and the editor of the book Mirjana Sandić. The present were addressed by Director of Media Centre “Odbrana” Colonel Stevica Karapandžin who stressed that “Strategy of National Security in Theory and Practice” was extremely significant work that would reach all relevant and important places in defence system.
Speaking about the book, the author pointed out that everybody who wrote such or similar works knew that it could not be realised without wider support.
- The book is a result of many years of discussions that I had with my colleagues from the armed forces and from the Faculty of Diplomacy and Security and they surely deserve credit for certain formulations that are presented here. I am glad that today everybody, analysing theoretical grounds, stated that I advocate the foundation of national strategy. If we had a national strategy it would be significantly easier to pass political decisions on various grounds. At the very beginning I had a vision that а national strategy is the most imperative level of security upon which individual security, corporative, regional and international depend. It is impossible for a state to participate in any forms of security unless the national security is organised properly – General Krga said.
The policy of national security is one of essential attributes of a modern state. The book of Prof Branko Krga was created for the purpose of enhancement of strategic thinking and security culture and it represents a critical look on theoretical suppositions and practical realisation of the existing Strategy of National Defence of the Republic of Serbia.
According to the author, every responsible state pays great attention to building national security, which is one of the principal conditions for the survival and development of society and state. Measures are being taken in competent institutions of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with circumstances and capabilities, but having in mind the changing nature of the forms of threats, it is necessary that the system be adapted in order to be capable of reacting.
In order to create a secure environment, Prof Brnako Krga, through a range of concrete suggestions, proposes how the existing Strategy of National Security of the Republic of Serbia should be improved along with the activities stemming from it.