The Paramount Interest of Serbia is Peace in the Region
Commenting on the statement of Bakir Izetbegović, and the current security situation, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin stated that the security situation in the Republic of Serbia was stable, that it was under control and that all the citizens of the country could be confident and assured that all competent agencies and all competent ministries were doing their job in the best possible way, and that our everyday life would not be disturbed in any way.
- Unfortunately, the thing that Izetbegović said is even to be expected. When you have a man who, after already two years from the attempted murder of Aleksandar Vučić, did not deem it necessary to find the responsible ones, or at least to try to find them, then you can expect that he will continue pursuing precisely that kind of policy and that he will continue the policy aimed at destabilising both Bosnia and Herzegovina and the entire region. Of course, we will not allow it, and we will certainly not observe quietly when someone threatens Serbs, when someone threatens territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, and we will naturally do everything in our power to make the Republic of Serbia safe and secure from such policy – Minister Vulin stressed.
According to his words, Izetbegović, sadly, once again shows that the peace-loving policy of Aleksandar Vučić does not enjoy his support, and that the offered hand of Serbia is often unaccepted, and that the offered hand of Serbia is often misunderstood, and that the offered hand of Serbia, especially to Izetbegović looks like a sign of weakness, instead of our strength because we offer peace and because we offer cohabitation and because we wish a peaceful, stable and prosperous region.
- The paramount interest of the Republic of Serbia is peace in the entire region, and of course, that Serbs no matter where they live, are safe and protected so that they can live as free citizens of their countries wherever they live. But we will not allow someone, because of any policy, to destabilise Serbia or try to make Serbia a country that they will cut up whenever they want or take whatever they want. Izetbegović is not a partner for a peaceful policy, he simply does not understand peace. I believe that what he said was not said on behalf of Bosniaks, because I am certain that no citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina desires getting involved in internal matters of the Republic of Serbia, and does not want destabilisation, or conflicts with his neighbours, does not want conflicts in his country. Apparently, Izetbegović wants them, and I am sure that he does not enjoy the support of Bosnian people, just like I know that he does not enjoy the support anywhere else, but it would be very good and important if the international community finally spoke something and said clearly that what Izetbegović says is dangerous and that it has to be condemned by the entire world. The Republic of Serbia is obliged to honour Dayton Agreement, to guarantee the Dayton Agreement, and the Dayton Agreement would not allow something like this. We will observe our obligations, all competent institutions will do their work, the citizens of Serbia can be peaceful and assured that we are safeguarding stability and security, and the citizens of the surrounding countries can remain calm and peaceful because the state of Serbia, through its agencies, through its ministries, keeps peace and stability – Minister Vulin stated.

