Congratulatory Messages of the Minister on the Occasion of Military Holidays
Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of the Day of Construction Service
I congratulate 8th November – Day of Construction Service to all its members.
You celebrate the Day of Service when the world marks the International Day of Urban Planning which the Republic of Serbia officially accepted as the Day of Urban Planning. Your service is especially important for the organisation of the zones within military bases, through defining basic elements of defence infrastructure. Your role in the military construction is seen in identifying and harmonising mutual requirements of defence system.
Owing to the expertise and competence of the members of the Construction Service, despite the conditions of slower technological development, you have marked the past period by successful realisation of assigned tasks of logistic functions.
I trust that you will in the upcoming period work on the improvement of your service and logistic support of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of the Day of Financial Service
I extend cordial congratulations to all the members of the Financial Service on the occasion of 8th November – Day of the Service.
Continuing more than seven decades long tradition, when in 1944 the Financial Service was introduced for the first time in the organisation of the armed forces as a separate service, you have executed numerous tasks in the field of financial operation of our armed forces. Owing chiefly to your expertise, you have confirmed that modern armed forces require incessant work on developing models for good functioning of the Financial Service.
I am confident that you will in the future discharge the assigned tasks in a professional and high quality fashion thus largely contributing to the enhancement of work in this area and I wish you every success in that.