Public Discussion of Draft Law on Defence and Armed Forces
From 3rd to 23rd November 2017, a public discussion is going to take place on Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Defence and Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the Serbian Armed Forces.
The drafts of the laws that are the subject of the public discussion are published on the Internet site of the Ministry of Defence and the e-administration Portal.
In the framework of the public discussion the following round tables are going to be held:
in Novi Sad – from 10 to 12 o’clock, on 8th November 2017, in Military Club (Novi Sad – 9 Belgrade Quay Street);
in Niš – from 11 to 13 o’clock, on 10th November 2017, in Military Club (Niš – Sinđelić Square)
in Belgrade – from 10 to 12 o’clock, on 14th November in the Central Military Club (Belgrade – 19 Braće Jugovića Street)
Remarks, proposals and suggestions are to be sent to the Ministry of Defence to e-mail address: pravna.uprava@mod.gov.rs or by mail to the address: Ministry of Defence (att: Legal Department, Secretariat of the Ministry of Defence), Belgrade, 5 Birčaninova Street with the note: “For public discussion on Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Defence” or “For public discussion on Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the Serbian Armed Forces”.