Meeting of the Minister of Defence with the Leadership of the Association of Organisations of Reserve Commanding Officers and NCOs
Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin met the leadership of the Association of Organisations of Reserve Commanding Officers and NCOs.
-There is no country that would give up its reserve, because the reserve has always played an important role in defence of a country – the minister of defence underlined. The Ministry of Defence expects that the membership of the Association of Organisations of Reserve Commanding Officers and NCOs will in the future be ready to actively contribute to defence system.
President of the Association Colonel in reserveDr MilojkoNikolić commended the measures undertaken by the Ministry of Defence aimed at strengthening the Serbian Armed Forces, betterment of financial status of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, modernisation of armament, and the continuation of the policy of restoring self-esteem of the armed forces and its members. Dr Nikolićparticularly pointed out the potentials of the Association of Organisations of Reserve Commanding Officers and NCOs.
Minister Vulin stated that the Association could count on full support of the Ministry of Defence and that the Ministry of Defence was the only and right address for all reserve commanding officers and NCOs.

