Telegram of Condolence of Minister Vulin for the US Secretary of Defence Mattis
Following the attack in New York, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin sent a telegram of condolences to the Secretary of Defence of the United States of America, James Mattis. The telegram reads:
“Dear Colleague,
The mindless attack against the citizens of your country is not solely an attack targeted against you. The target was the humanity; the target was the right of every human being to live and look forward to better times for our children.
Dear Secretary, you are not alone in this dreadful moment. The citizens of Serbia and all the members of the Serbian Armed Forces deeply share your grief.
The evil of terrorism and religious hatred must not win and that is why the duty of every country and every man is to differentiate between good and evil and unconditionally oppose the evil.
We kindly ask you to convey our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the families of the killed and the wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.”