Professional gathering of military psychologists
Professional gathering of psychologists from the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces has been held today in the Belgrade-based Central Military Club.
The session hosted by the Department for the Development of Psychological Activities, Human Resources Department, was opened by the State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Aleksandar Živković, who pointed out that a reliable soldier is not only physically fit and well trained, but also mentally and emotionally capable of performing the task even in the most difficult conditions.
- This is a soldier who is psychologically fit for military service, and capable of recovering from all the pressures that the military calling entails, motivated and committed to the defence of the highest values of the community - the state secretary said and added that military psychologists contribute to all this working in the field of selecting and preparing personnel, caring for people, improving teaching and training, relationships in the collective and crisis support.
He reminded that in the modern world, as a society and a military organization, we are facing numerous challenges, and in order to better respond to them, the need for deepening and applying in the practice of knowledge in various fields of psychology - clinical, organizational, social and other - is increasing, so this need of the army is imperative in the contemporary conditions of life and work, but also warfare.
- We have the obligation to develop human resources in the best way, but also to ensure the conditions for our military psychologists to fully realize the potential they possess and give scientific and professional contribution to the care for people and to improve the ability of the Serbian Armed Forces to perform its tasks - Aleksandar Živković said, before wishing the participants successful work.
Following the address of the State Secretary, there was a round table on the topic "Challenges and themes of military psychology", where the introductory speakers were Prof. Milanko Čabarkapa from the Faculty of Philosophy, Major Vuk Vujović from the Human Resources Department of the General Staff, civilian Goran Kličković from the Military Medical Academy and Dr Anita Pešić from the Strategic Research Institute of the University of Defence.
At the plenary lecture on the topic "Possibilities for applying specific psychological preparations of karatists in the defence system", prof. Dr Radivoje Mudrić, a retired university professor, a master of karate, and civilian Aleksandar Spasić from the Training Command, Srboljub Mitić, a member of the 4th Army Brigade, and Radoš Savić, master of karate.
During the gathering, the Military Psychology Section held session of the assembly which was chaired by President Mirjana Veljković.