The Second Part of the Tactical Exercise “Rock 02”
Today, in the South Base and “Borovac” training ground, the second part of the tactical exercise “Rock 02” started, which is being conducted by the declared units of the Serbian Armed Forces for the participation in multinational operations in the framework of the Operational Capabilities Concept – light infantry unit from the 31st Infantry Battalion of the 3rd Army Brigade, Military Police platoon from the Third Military Police Battalion from Niš and the CBRN platoon from the 246th CBRN Battalion from Kruševac.

NATO evaluation (NEL 2) of the declared units is going to be conducted during the exercise in accordance with standards and procedures for the evaluation of combat readiness and the Operational Capabilities Concept involving the participation of 27 evaluators from the Serbian Armed Forces, partner countries Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro and Observer’s team from the Joint Forces Command in Naples and Land Forces Command in Ismir. The multinational evaluating team is headed by Colonel Mario Arbutina from Operations Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces.

- I wish success to the declared units in their execution of the exercise, and I wish that the evaluating team be objective in their assessment of the combat readiness and capabilities of the declared units – Colonel Stamenković added.
Last week, the first part of the tactical exercise “Rock 02” was conducted in the South Base and training ground “Borovac” in the framework of which NATO evaluation Nel 1 was carried out of declared general purpose engineer unit from the 310th Engineer Battalion from Prokuplje.