Visit by a Representative of the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany
Representatives of the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany paid a visit to the Department for Strategic Planning of Defence Policy Sector of the Ministry of Defence in order to conduct expert talks in the field of strategic defence planning. The topic of the talk sencompassed the experiences and achievements in the field of planning of defence system development, the application of methods, tools and techniques in the said process.
The delegation of the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany was received by Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Defence Policy Milan Mojsilović, while the expert talks were led by the Head of Division for Planning, Programming and Analyses of the Department for Strategic Planning, Colonel Dejan Stojković PhD.
Thedelegation of the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany consisted of the Head of Department for Resources and Implementation of the Planning Directorate, Colonel Michael Johannes Mager and Defence Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Becker. The representatives of the Department for Strategic Planning of Defence Policy Sector and Department for Planning and Development (J-5) of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces participated in the expert talks.