Announcement for media and service information - "FREEDOM 2017"
At noon, 20th October 2017 a demonstration of a part of operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces named “FREEDOM 2017”is going to take place at Batajnica Airport on the occasion of marking the liberation of Belgrade in the Second World War.
Please note that the deadline for media accreditation is 18th October at 10 am.. The accreditation application that should contain name, last name, duty in editorial office, identification information for all the members of the team and contact phone of the team leader should be sent to the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Defence at: info@mod.gov.rs. The takeover of the accreditation cards is going to be organised on 19th October in the Great Gallery of the Central Military Club from 11 am to 2 pm, at 19, Braće Jugovića Street.
Transport is going to be organised for the media teams that are to cover the event and the departure is from the Palace of Serbia for the Batajnica airport and back. Media teams should come to the Eastern wing of the Palace of Serbia by 9 am at the latest for the necessary checks and inspection.
Because of the security procedures, the arrival of the media teams will not be possible by their own means of transport.
The citizens will be allowed to enter the Batajnica Airport from 9 am at the gates on the Batajnica-Nova Pazova road. On Friday, 20th October, the city transport lines will be reinforced from the centres of Batajnica and Nova Pazova, so we advise the citizens to use public transport due to crowds and general security and to arrive at the Batajnica Airport no later than 11 am. Parking at the airport and in front of the Batajnica airport is not provided for admission of private vehicles.
Foreign media teams, prior to their accreditation in the Ministry of Defence, have to possess permanent or temporary accreditations of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia. The accreditation forms are available at: http://www.kultura.gov.rs/cyr/informisanje-i-mediji/akreditacija-stranih-novinara. For the purpose of issuing work permits for the foreign media, it is necessary to fill in the forms and send the required documents no later than 16th October 2017 to: ana.vucetic@kultura.gov.rs.
Points of Contact are: Commander Jovan Krivokapić, 064/8329-208 and Iva Kostović-Nikoliš 064/8329-756.