Premiere of the film "Military Geograraphy Institute over three centureies"
In the Guard's Club at Topčider, another product of “Zastava Film” Military Film Centre - a documentary-professional film "Military Geograraphy Institute over three centureies" was ceremonially presented. The ceremonial screening was atended by Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković with the members of the Collegium, current and former workers of the Institute, cadets of the Geodetic Department of the Military Academy and students of the Military High School, the Novi Sad Technical School "Mileva Marić-Einstein" and the Geodetic Technical School from Belgrade.
- The Military Geography Institute has developed and existed since 1876 for the purpose of surveying the country, production of accurate and necessary maps, provision of all geotagraphic materials for the armed forces. From the need to survey and snapshot our country ourselves, to draw our country and make our digital and other models of the terrain. The film story about MGI is a story about us, our successes and failures, about our destiny. It is a story about the desires, intentions, skills, possibilities, decisions and reach. This is a story of national identity, Lieutenant Colonel Veljko Bućković said, welcoming those present on behalf of the head of the Public Relations Department Navy Captain Petar Bošković.
Addressing the guests, Head of MGI Colonel Zoran Srdić pointed out that the history of the Military Geography Institute is almost two decades longer than the history of the film.
- We can proudly state that MGI of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence is in charge of producing the geospatial materials for the needs of the defence system. It is also a national cartographic institution. But, above all, MGI is people, generations of experts who have created the history of Serbian geodesy and cartography. This film is dedicated to them. It is a document about the history and success of the geodetic profession in our country. It is a kind of testimony of the creation and development of the Serbian state. There, before us, is a record of one time, space, people and their creation over three centuries. There, before us, is a milestone, a stone interval preserving the memory of our predecessors for all times; it is a testimony of our work and inspiration for future generations, Colonel Srdić said among other things.
At the premiere of the film “Military Geograraphy Institute over three centuries” the numerous guests were also introduced to the authors of this achievement, photographers Mirko Lukanović and Žarko Pekez, organizer Nenad Čobelić, assembler Dušan Milunović from “Zastava Film” MFC and director Marko Kamenica.