Premiere of the movie "The Sky over Bjelovar"
Tonight, the documentary "The Sky over Bjelovar" by Nedeljko Lajšić, dedicated to the national hero Milan Tepić and the soldier Stojadin Mirković, who was killed in that town in September 1991, has been premiered in the Ceremonial Hall of the Central Militarz Club.
The projection was attended by members of the families of heroes, attended by the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Ljubiča Diković, state secretaries in the Ministry of Defence Aleksandar Živković and Bojan Jocić, Acting Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, Assistant Minister of Defence, Major General Milan Mojsilović, members of the collegium of the Minister of Defence and Chief of the General Staff, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
The film, which was filmed in numerous locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was created with the support of the Prijedor Organization of the families of killed and captured fighters and missing civilians, and is signed by numerous teams. Apart from the author, there are journalist Gordana Vila, cameramen Dejan Kosić and Dejan Marinović and editor Bojan Kurtović.
In addressing the participants, the president of the Organization of families of killed and captured fighters and missing civilians and executive film producer Ms Zdravka Karlica, pointed out that she and her associates know very well how is it to stay without their loved ones.
- They are all our heroes because they gave their lives for their fatherland. At the beginning of our fight, Major Tepić and Stojadin Mirković showed their heroism, and their example was followed by others - and she added that the film was an attempt to repay them and protect them from oblivion, and that it was a debt to the heroes.
The film's director, Nedeljko Lajšić, who has 20 documentary films behind him, many of which were awarded at international festivals, in his short speech, thanked the visitors for the name of the team that worked the film and pointed out that is the country that had Milan Tepić and Stojadin Mirković.