Regarding the lies presented by the Military Trade Union of Serbia, and for the sake of convezing accurate and true information to the public, we point out that the Law on the Armed Forces was not passed or adopted by urgent procedure. As before, laws are being harmonized in the defence system, and then put into public hearing. Such claims constitute a public scam that requires disciplinary, if not criminal responsibility, of their creators.
The competent defence authorities have prepared amendments to the Law on the Armed Forces which were sent to the organizational units of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence to give their statement, submit proposals, suggestions and opinions. After the final harmonization within the defence system, the proposed amendment to the Law on the Armed Forces will be sent to a public hearing, and then to the Government for approval, and ultimately it should be adopted in a regular parliamentary procedure. Such a procedure is prescribed by applicable laws and has always been applied in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
When it comes to improving the material position of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, we point out that this is one of the most important priorities of the leadership of the Ministry of Defence, and that in that sense the President of the Military Trade Union of Serbia was invited to a meeting to discuss the legal possibilities for concluding a collective agreement.
The Supreme Commander and the Ministry of Defence are working to improve the material position of the members of the Armed Forces by finding different possibilities and initiatives at the republic level and in conversation with local government representatives.