UAE and Serbia are enhancing cooperation
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, United Arab Emirates Ambassador Juma Rashed Aldhaheri and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Ljubiša Diković have visited today the "Karađorđevo" plant of Morović military facility.
The minister and the ambassador met with the management of "Karađorđevo", and then visited the horse farm, which includes, among others, 15 horses from the UAE donation.
Minister Vulin thanked friends from the UAE who, as he said, "treated us with another donation".
- These 15 Arab horses will surely mean a lot to our Karađorđevo horse farm, but more than that it is the proof of our friendship. In the Arab tradition, to give a horse as a present is a great thing. When someone gives a horse which is highly respected animal in the Arab world, then he does it to the greatest friend. You gave him something most valuable, you wanted to show how big friends they are. Therefore, the future of the relations of our countries can only go up and go ahead, the Minister of Defence said.
According to him, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates have excellent cooperation in all areas, both in economy and in politics, and also when it comes to relations between our armies.
- I am glad that this is going to be continued. These horses will serve our farm, and we hope that with them we will restore the tradition of equestrian units in our Guard, that we will return what once adorned the Serbian officer, as well as the memory of how our famous cavalry units have once looked like, as in the history of the Serbian army the cavalry has always been important and respected, from the famous successes of the despot Stefan Lazarević to the Serbian cavalry in the Balkan wars and the First World War. This is a beautiful tradition worth rebuilding, and this donation will serve that purpose, Minister Vulin said.
Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates Juma Rashed Aldhaheri expressed his satisfaction that today he visited the horse farm and horses and said that it was a great species of Arabian horse.
- This is proof of the strong and deep cooperation between the two countries in all areas, and I hope that we will continue this and that we will repeat this visit once again, the UAE Ambassador said.
Manager of the working unit "Ergela" Karađorđevo Nebojsa Zlatanović reported to the minister, ambassador and their associates on the situation in the horse farm. He said that the horses were on quarantine on their arrival for 30 days and during that period health surveillance and numerous analyses were carried out.