Send-off ceremony for contingent of the Serbian Armed Forces to UN mission in Cyprus
Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Ljubiša Diković has attended today, at the Batajnica Airport, the send-off ceremony for the members of the Serbian Armed Forces to the UN-mandated multinational operation in Cyprus (UNFICYP).
The ceremony was also attended by the Air Force and Air Defence Commander Major General Ranko Živak with his associates, representatives of the Joint Operations Command of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, commanders of the AF and AD units, representatives of the local self-government, the church, family members, friends and relatives of the contingent members.
General Diković said that the departure of the firing squad continues the 61-year long tradition of our participation in peacekeeping missions and that the Serbian Armed Forces is known today as a reliable partner which professionally performs its tasks.
- Today our members are present in ten peacekeeping missions in which they are defending and preserving peace in the world together with their colleagues from other armies. This is an important task, especially due to the fact that today our country is also making efforts to ensure itself a better future, and, in complex security conditions, it gives full contribution to the world security - the Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces said, adding that we live in a time when sabre-rattling is practiced in the name of peace, while the security of people is endangered at many points in the world.
He explained that it "fortunately" is not the case in Serbia, where the security situation is stable, "because our Armed Forces is strong and capable of responding to challenges" and provides the citizens of the Republic of Serbia with the necessary security and preconditions for development.
- The state is as strong as the system it defends is strong and especially how strong its army is, as a pillar. We are entering the final phase of equipping our Air Force and Air Defence and raising their capabilities to the desired level and we are counting the days until the realization of this great project, which will greatly improve our capabilities, General Diković said, adding that negotiations with "our friends" on the procurement of modern assets and equipment are in progress, primarily for strengthening the capabilities of missile units, so that they could be equipped with the Air Force to defend the skies above the Republic of Serbia.
The Chief of the General Staff pointed out that the Ministry of Defence is doing everything for a visible improvement to be felt as soon as possible and strengthen the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, which was the goal set up several years ago.
Wishing all the best to members who are setting off tonight to the peace operation in Cyprus, the Chief of General Staff told them that they were tasked with securing peace that was achieved almost 50 years ago and that he did not doubt that they would successfully accomplish and immaculately represent the Serbian Armed Forces.
- If you perform the tasks at least as you do it in your units, the mission will be successful for sure. First of all, I mean responsibility, self-control and a high level of order and discipline. I am sure that the unit in front of me will fulfil every set task immaculately, that there are all the preconditions for this, and everything else is up to you, General Diković said, and told the members to look after each other and take care of their colleagues.
Finally, he told relatives and friends of the members to make sure that their closest ones were well prepared for the peacekeeping mission, to know what to do and how to perform their tasks.
General Diković handed the flag of the Republic of Serbia to the commander of the firing squad, Captain Aleksandar Milosavljević.
The members of the firing squad of the 204th Aviation Brigade, 37 of them, are going to the peacekeeping mission in Cyprus for six months. Their rotation will also include two observers and six patrol members.