Admission of September generation soldiers to military service
September generation of soldiers has started their service at the training centres of the Serbian Armed Forces in Sombor, Valjevo and Leskovac, today.
Young soldiers have started this morning to arrive to the barracks and pass through several points until borrowing military uniforms, including the deployment to a unit, medical examination, interviews with a psychologist and the military police, borrowing the equipment and accommodation in barracks.
In the next month and a half, soldiers of all specialties will undergo basic training where they would be trained in handling of personal weapons, doing basic tactical actions and procedures in combat, familiarise with the rules and relations in the military and improve their physical fitness and endurance.
Serving of military service lasts six months and includes three-month individual and specialized training in training centres, and then collective training and active inclusion in the life and work of the units of the Serbian Armed Forces until the end of the military service.