Seminar on the Work of the Personnel Service
In the framework of the activities marking the Day of Personnel Service, today, in the Guard Club in Topčider a seminar was held on the work of the Personnel Service of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
The daylong seminar organised by the Personnel Department of the Human Resources Sector was opened by State Secretary Aleksandar Živković while the Chief of General Staff, General Ljubiša Diković visited the participants.
Speaking about the importance of the human resources management as the basis for functioning of a military organisation, General Diković said that the need for the organisation of such type of advancement for the members of personnel service came from a desire to achieve efficiency in resolving all personnel issues.
Addressing the present the chief of General Staff pointed out that the human resources are a capital that should be safeguarded and increased, and that the members of the personnel service are the ones from whom we expect the most to use their knowledge and work in addressing this issue in order to contribute to the enhancement of operational and functional capabilities of their units and installations.
The seminar gathered some hundred members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces dealing with the issues of human resources and, apart from summing up the results in the field of human resources management, it aimed at using exchange of ideas and experiences to find the answers to the most important question in the area and harmonise the functioning of personnel service bodies at all levels.
Among the topics talked about at today’s seminar, particularly prominent were the questions of improving the age structure of the personnel in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, upgrading the model of manning the organisation with professional soldiers, as well as establishing a nomenclature markings and records of the professional military and civilian employees.
The work of the seminar was guided by Head of Personnel Department Brigadier General Mile Jelić.