Minister Vulin in “Krušik”
Minister of Defence AleksandarVulin visited today the company “Krušik“ Ltd. in Valjevo.
On that occasion, the minister of defence met Director-General MladenPetković and the management of that defence industry company, as well as the representatives of the union after which followed a visit to the plant for mechanical processing “Fuse shop”.

Minister Vulin underlined that the overall value of export contracts of Serbian defence industry together with the SDPR, amounts to 754 million dollars US and that the growth in exportsin this year would be 20 per cent.

According to his words, the world marked was at that moment rather favourably disposed in terms of our production programme, but no one could certainly say how long that interest would last.
- It is up to us to take this opportunity now when Serbian defence industry has been given a great space on the global market for its products so that the surplus value, surplus money that we earn is reinvested in defence industry in order to prepare it for some future events, some future changes – Minister Vulin concluded.

- Since 2014 until today, we have hired 1500 new workers in order to honour the contractual obligations within timeframes agreed in the contracts. Currently the value of contracted work amounts to 276 million US dollars and our capacities will be engaged for entire 2017, 2018 and 2019. As it is, it seems that “Krušik“ will set historical record this year in terms of the scope of production and export, and the export it will surpass the old record by 80 million US dollars – Petković highlighted.