Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff General Ljubiša Diković with their associates attended a central ceremony on the occasion of the Day of Aviation, 2nd August that was held at Batajnica airport in the Command of the 204th Air Force Brigade.
- The materiel itself does not make the Serbian Air Force. Itismadeby people who showed that they would never change sides in the face of far more powerful enemy, and that they would never give up, and they would not say no. The Serbian Air Force is made above all by people who love their country, this sky above us. Thereare countries which leave their sky to others, whose freedom, independence and sky are safeguarded by foreign armed forces. јесвојенебопрепуштајудругима, чијуслободу, независностинебочувајудругеармије. There are such countries, but Serbia is not among them; it is not among them because it has unflinching, courageous and skilful people, who are capable of dealing with every hurdle, every challenge: the people who have never, not ever disgraced their country and their people – Minister Vulin said.
- Fordecades, SerbianAirForcecouldnot show off new aircraft and overhauled devices. Now we can say that those times are behind us and that we will take care of better technical accoutrements, and at the same time about the better position of each of our members. Thereweretimeswhenwewereashamedof the best and the bravest; the times when we were not allowed to say that in 1999 the best were in our sky. Those times will never return. Serbiaisproudofeachofyou, muchlikeitisproud of the memory of heroes who were courageous enough in that 1999 to take off and stand up to the most powerful ones in the world. NooneisaspowerfulasSerbs when defending its country and its sky. That is why I stand before you immensely proud and I am saying what every child in Serbia thinks: As long as you are there our sky is free and peaceful, as long as you are there Serbia is proud, free, safe and peaceful – Minister AleksandarVulin said to the pilots of Serbia.
Responding to the questions of the press regarding the recovery of the aviation of Serbian Armed Forces, Minister Vulin explained:
- After several decades of wilful neglect, the aviation is recuperating. We have provided two new helicopters, and soon new helicopters H 145 L will arrive as well. We have overhauled a part of our transport aviation, and the Mig-29s will also arrive. Formanydecadesnoonethoughtof acquiring new aircraft, particularly not of such quality and force. Theaircraft will arrive as envisaged by the end of the year.
Theceremonywas attended by Deputy Commander AF and AD Brigadier General Sava Milenković, previous commanders and former members of the 204th Air Force Brigade, representatives of local government, Serbian Orthodox Church, numerous associations and friends of the unit.
After the address of Minister Vulin, the pilots: Colonel Saša Mijajlović, Lieutenant Colonel Beli Gerstmejeruand Majors ĐuricaMarić and MilomirMaljković received a golden flying badge which was followed by reading the orders of award and commendation of the members of the 2014th Air Force Brigade. At the end of the ceremony there was a march-past of the units.
As part of marking the Aviation Day a memorial titled “No one said no” was consecratedat the airport. Thememorialwaserected within the barracks and dedicated to the fallen members of the Air Force.