Congratulatory Massage by the Minister of Defence on the Occasion of Medical Service Day
I congratulate 30th July – the Service Day to all the members of the Medical Service.
Owing to your humanity and ethics, the main traits of your profession, which you successfully apply in your work on the prevention and treatment of the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces and the citizens of Serbia, continuing a hundred and seventy eight years long tradition, you have singled yourselves out as an extremely significant element and support of the health system in the framework of defence system, but you have also become highly renowned in our country.
Apart from that, several years in a row, through continuous participation in the UN international medical missions, you are providing a significant contribution to the enhancement of the reputation of our country in the world.
Confident that you will with equal success continue your work and maintain the already earned reputation both in the country and world contributing to the development of logistics services of Serbian Armed Forces, I congratulate you on your holiday.