Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

St. Vitus’s Gathering with the Families of Fallen Fighters

The traditional whole day long gathering of the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces with the Association of the Families of the Fighters Fallen in Wars since 1990, was held this year for the fifteenth time in a row, by visiting Mesić monastery near Vršac and the Special Brigade in Pančevo.
In Mesić monastery, after touring the monastery and attending the mass, the office for the dead and supplicatory service were held for the fighters who died in the wars from 1990 to 1999, and later the participants of the St. Vitus’s gathering in a two hour long walk visited the most significant cultural and historic sites of the town.
Visit to the Special Brigade in barracks “Rastko Nemanjić” in Pančevo provided an opportunity to visit memorial room of the Special Brigade, where the members of the Association laid a wreath at the Remembrance wall, where the photographs are placed of 24 members of the Special Brigade who lost their lives, and later they toured the religious service room.
In memory of the 15th gathering of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces with the members of the Association of the Families of the Fallen Fighters, the President of  the Association, Dobrila Koprivica presented the book “Serbian Army in the Great War 1914 – 1918” to the members of the Special Brigade.