The 8th International Armament Fair "Partner" opens
At the Belgrade Fair, the 8th International Armament Fair "Partner" has been ceremonially opened. After the screening of the film about the novelties of the Serbian defence industry, opening the fair, the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, pointed out that he was convinced that "Partner" was an important event for presenting the capabilities of the Serbian defence industry, and that an increasing number of foreign delegations and exhibitors speaks about the fact that this event was really becoming a prestigious one.
He pointed out that several new factories and plants have been built, and that the arms and weapons are constantly improving.
- Many laughed when I first showed the "Šumadija" missiles, and today, when we open the launcher for these missiles, people will smile with joy that we still managed in a relatively short period of time to do such a job, the President of Serbia said and added that the government decided to invest this year, as well, EUR 49.9 million in the factories of our defence industry, apart from the factories’ own investments.
Aleksandar Vučić pointed out that amendments to the law, that have already been prepared by the Ministry of Defence, will be an important step forward in the future allowing, in the forthcoming period, the arrival of foreign companies and their share in our defence industry of up to 49 %.
The president said that the holders of this development are state-owned companies, but that they are not the only ones, and that there is an increasing number of private companies that are doing a great job in our country.
- With some of them we are participating in the development and sale of the largest part of the missiles, which I believe are very much in demand today all over the world, and we can develop them only with the knowledge of engineers from private companies so we work together with them, thus encouraging the development of both privately and state-owned businesses, planning the best possible results.
He expressed the position that it is crucial for Serbia that in the forthcoming period, as a country, it influences the development of scientific youth, those people who see their future in the work related to the defence industry, in which there is always plenty of work to do.
We started to hire new people at the Technical Overhaul Institute, just as we will increase our strength by 1948 soldiers, which shows that we certainly have vacancies for our military as well as for engineers of all professions who wish to improve and upgrade their knowledge, and we in turn to get people for the future, with whom we expect to produce new arms and weapons using their knowledge and skills, and who will participate in the modernization of the existing ones.
- It seems to me that the public had opportunity to see first-hand the accomplishments of the Serbian industrial complex in the successfully completed exercise "Steel", and today already, a month and a half after that exercise, we would be able to show much more arms and weapons, the President of the Republic said and wished all the successful realisation of the planned activities, with the belief that next year we will overturn all records, when it comes to the presence of foreign delegations, because, he added, there is an increasing interest in our knowledge and skills in the world.
"Partner" - International Fair of Arms and Military Equipment, is held at the Belgrade Fair every second year, at the end of June. The sponsor of the event is the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, and it is held in organisation of Yugoimport SDPR Company and the Belgrade Fair.
The aim of the event is to present arms and military equipment - complex artillery and rocket systems, modern small arms and ammunition, combat armoured vehicles, electronic equipment, light aircraft, new radars, various simulators, protective ballistic equipment, combat patrol boats and others.
The International Fair of Arms and Military Equipment is visited by numerous high-level delegations from around the world, as well as representatives of NATO, the European Defence Agency, defence attaches and other international military and security organisations.