Meeting of the Representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Trade Union Administration, Justice, Defence and Police “INDEPENDENCE”
The representatives of the Ministry of Defence held a meeting with representatives of Trade Union Administration, Justice, Defence and Police INDEPENDENCE, upon request of the Union in order to jointly reconsider the issues that this Union had previously raised in the Ministry.
After a constructive dialogue, the position of the Ministry of Defence was that the forthcoming increase of employees’ pays should not be linear, with the stress being placed on the categories of the employees in the most difficult situation, simultaneously paying attention to all the employees of the Ministry of Defence. Also, the need was underlined to provide conditions for a continued increase of salaries in the years to come with decrease in differences between pay groups.
Apart from that, an issue was raised regarding the calculation of meal and holiday allowances in the context of interpreting the Law on the Salary System of Employees in the Public Sector. The representatives of the Ministry stated the opinion that the issue of meal and holiday allowances was resolved in accordance with the solutions provided in the Law on the Salary System of Employees in the Public Sector and the Special Collective Agreement for State Bodies. The Union presented the position that the room should be sought to resolve this matter in a different manner and in accordance with specific characteristics of defence sector.
Upon the initiative of the Union “INDEPENDECE” to enable refinancing of housing loans, for the individuals who had resolved their housing problems in such manner, and agreement was reached with the National Corporation for Insurance of Housing Loans that it was legally possible to refinance housing loans in other banks as well, while observing the contracted conditions in terms of maintaining the right to Increased Costs of Housing until the full amortisation of the loan but no longer than 240 months from signing the first contract. Such solution will enable a great number of housing loans users to save significant funds at the annual level (through decreased instalments of the housing loan).
As it has been case so far, the Ministry of Defence remains open to talk with Unions which aspire to a constructive dialogue and betterment of material situation of the members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.